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URL Encoder

Encode your URL to make them transmission-safe.

URL Encoder

URL encoding, also known as percent encoding, is a method used to convert reserved, unprintable, or non-ASCII characters in URLs into a safe and secure format that can be transmitted over the internet. It ensures that URLs contain only ASCII alphanumeric characters and some safe symbols like hyphen (-), underscore (_), tilde (~), and dot (.).

How does URL Encoding Work?

URL encoding involves converting characters into one or more bytes and representing each byte with two hexadecimal digits preceded by a percent sign (%). This process, also known as percent encoding, utilizes the percent sign as an escape character. For example, the character @ is encoded as %40 because its ASCII value is 64, which converts to 40 in hexadecimal.

URL Encoding Character Classification

  1. Safe Characters: Alphabets (A-Z a-z), digits (0-9), hyphen (-), underscore (_), tilde (~), and dot (.). No encoding is required for these characters.
  2. ASCII Control Characters: Characters in the range 0-31 and 127 in the ASCII character set. Encoding is required for these unprintable characters.
  3. Reserved Characters: Special characters like ?, :, /, #, &, etc., which have predefined meanings within URLs. Encoding is necessary for these characters.
  4. Unsafe Characters: Characters like space, <, >, {, }, etc., which must be encoded for secure transmission in URLs.
  5. Non-ASCII Characters: Characters outside the US-ASCII set, which should be encoded for proper URL handling.

Common ASCII Characters and Their URL Encoded Values

  • Space: %20
  • ": %22
  • %: %25
  • &: %26
  • /: %2F
  • =: %3D
  • ?: %3F
  • @: %40

These encodings ensure that URLs are correctly interpreted and transmitted across different systems on the internet.


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