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Domain WHOIS | Check Domain Owner Information

Get WHOIS Information about a domain name.

Domain WHOIS | Check Domain Owner Information

WHOIS is a widely used Internet record listing that identifies who owns a domain and how to get in contact with them. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regulates domain name registration and ownership. WHOIS records have proven to be extremely useful and have developed into an essential resource for maintaining the integrity of the domain name registration and website ownership process.

What is in a WHOIS Record?

A WHOIS record contains all of the contact information associated with the person, group, or company that registers a particular domain name. Typically, each WHOIS record will contain information such as the name and contact information of the registrant (who owns the domain), the name and contact information of the registrar (the organization or commercial entity that registered the domain name), the registration dates, the name servers, the most recent update, and the expiration date. WHOIS records may also provide the administrative and technical contact information (which is often, but not always, the registrant).

WHOIS Thick and Thin Models

There are two different data models for storing WHOIS resource information: Thin Model and Thick Model. Thin WHOIS lookup only gives the registrar, name servers, and registration dates. To acquire additional information, a secondary lookup at the registrar on file is necessary to attain full information on domain name ownership. On the other hand, a Thick WHOIS provides useful additional details beyond what is contained in a Thin WHOIS record. Typically, the additional details contain contact (registrant, administrative, and technical) information.

The Purpose and Value of WHOIS Data

The purpose and value of the data in the WHOIS system has evolved in a number of ways over time, including:

  • Reinforcing the stability and security of the Internet by providing network operators, computer incident response teams, and ISPs with appropriate contacts
  • Regulating the registration status of domain names
  • Supporting law enforcement officials participating in national and international investigations
  • Assisting in the battle against abusive uses of information

Accuracy of WHOIS Information

The information in a WHOIS record is initially provided when a domain name is registered. Over time, things change, and the information gets out of date. ICANN requires domain registrants to have the ability to update their contact details. Each registrar has slightly different procedures for changing the information that appears on a WHOIS record. It generally involves accessing account information via the registrar’s website or a call center representative. WHOIS record changes may take a period (often in the vicinity of 24 hours) to take effect. Having accurate, up-to-date WHOIS data makes it easier to contact a registrant or administrator.

WHOIS Privacy

It is important to note that there is no way to hide the existence of a domain registration since anyone can check WHOIS to confirm the status of a domain. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires that the contact information of those who own and manage a domain name to be made publicly available via WHOIS directories. This includes mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Some domain registrars offer private registration services (also known as proxy services) in which the registrar’s contact information is shown, and not that of the registrant.

How Our Domain WHOIS Tool Can Help

Our Domain WHOIS tool makes it easy to find WHOIS information in one spot. Simply enter the domain name you're interested in, and our tool will provide you with the WHOIS record, including contact information, registration dates, and more. Our tool is fast, accurate, and easy to use, making it the perfect solution for anyone who needs to access WHOIS information quickly and efficiently. Ready to access WHOIS information quickly and easily? Try our Domain WHOIS tool today and see how easy it is to get the information you need. Simply enter the domain name you're interested in, and our tool will do the rest.

WHOIS information is a valuable resource for maintaining the integrity of the domain name registration and website ownership process. Our Domain WHOIS tool makes it easy to access WHOIS records for domain names, providing you with the contact information, registration dates, and other details you need. Try our tool today and see how easy it is to get the information you need.


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